Feito à Mão - Crafts

Projeto de DIY (faça você mesmo) de coroas de alecrim em miniatura. Para enfeitas sua mesa e receber em casa com muito estilo
How to Tie the Celtic Heart Knot by TIAT (A Knotty Valentine)
DIY Braided Rope Heart
DIY Two-Tier Wood Produce Stand | KENDALL-JACKSON
Love heading to the farmer’s market? Looking for a fun way to showcase your fruits and vegetables, while saving counter space? Try building this DIY two-tier produce stand to give all your fruits and vegetables a functional, stylish home right in your kit
15 Easy and Cheap DIY Projects to Make Your Home a Better Place
✔️Transforme caixas em porta-alguma coisa...
How to Make Bath Bombs: a DIY Recipe
I love a little fizz in my bath, and now I can make that happen with this DIY project...love that!