
13 Pins
Beef Chow Mein | Homemade Chinese Food Recipe
Beef Chow Mein is the perfect easy weeknight meal! Best of all, it comes together in under 20 minutes with in just one pot! Forget calling that local Chinese takeout restaurant for lo mein or ramen, this delicious recipe is so much better with authentic flavors. Seriously the best!! Plus makes great leftovers or make a batch for Sunday meal prep for school and work lunches! Plus step by step recipe video.
Homemade Veggie Nuggets
Homemade Veggie Nuggets: These are the perfect vegetarian alternative to the chicken nugget. Made with mashed carrots, broccoli, and golden beets.
Autumn Squash Soup (Panera Copycat)
Autumn Squash Soup (Panera Copycat) - this is the best fall soup and so easy! Vegetarian and full of butternut squash and pumpkin!
Chicken Lo Mein
Chicken Lo Mein - get stir-frying with the easiest and most scrumptious chicken lo mein recipe. Forget take-out, whip this up at home!
Outlet | QBazar | Brasil
YogoFrozen de Morango. Caseiro, saudável e muito fácil de fazer: 4 xícaras de morangos congelados 3 colheres de sopa de Agave néctar ou mel 1/2 xícara de iogurte natural 1 colher de sopa de suco de limão
Healthy Slow Cooker Butter Chicken - NWTN
So instead of always going out and paying high restaurant prices I decided to make a Healthy Slow Cooker Butter Chicken at home!
A Protein-Rich, Celebrity-Approved Mint Chip Smoothie
Thin Mint Smoothie by Julianne Hough, popsugarfitness: Made with Greek yogurt, a full cup of spinach and almond milk, this classic blend of mint and chocolate can easily stand in for a healthy breakfast. #Smoothie #Thin_Mint #Healthy #Smoothie
Post hier plaatjes van ongezond, vet, en calorierijk eten. aka foodporn
How to make Lavender Cake Balls!
MAÇÃ DO AMOR Num recipiente anti-aderente junte 500g de açúcar granulado,125g de manteiga,2 colheres de sopa de vinagre,2 colheres de sopa de água a ferver e 6 colheres de sopa de corante vermelho ou xarope de groselha.Leve ao lume.Deixe ferver até ficar em ponto de caramelo (cerca de 10 minutos).Teste-o: deite um pouco numa tigela com água fria, se endurecer imediatamente está pronto. Mergulhe a maçã no caramelo, deixe pingar o excesso e depois mergulhe em água fria solidificar. Delicie-se ♥