
524 Pins
This may contain: a woman doing an exercise on a yoga mat with the caption gym vs home glutes
Struggling to choose between the gym and home for your glutes workout? We've got you covered! Discover the ultimate comparison of GYM VS HOME GLUTES WORKOUT to see what fits your lifestyle and goals best. Whether you love the energy of the gym or the convenience of home workouts, this guide breaks down the pros and cons, best exercises, and tips for getting those glutes in shape no matter where you are. Ready to boost your booty? Dive in now and start your journey to stronger glutes! Tags: #GlutesWorkout #GymVsHome #FitnessGoals #HomeExercise #BootyGains CC:--------
This may contain: a woman standing on a treadmill in a gym with the words step platform hill above her
15 Minutes - Step Platform HIIT🔥 This one was fun 🤩👇🏼 6 exercises 30 sec on 15 sec off 1 min r
15 Minutes - Step Platform HIIT🔥 This one was fun 🤩👇🏼 6 exercises 30 sec on 15 sec off 1 min rest Step platform workouts @fernandashaw_ #fitbeautymom2024 #fitmindfitbody #FatLostTips #homeworkoutsformoms
This may contain: a woman is doing exercises on a mat with the caption gym casa vs acadenia
Temos a Solução para sua Saúde Física e Mental - Que Pode Te Ajudar A Conquistar Resultados Rápidos
Descubra agora: um método totalmente natural para promover a perda de gordura localizada de forma saudável!
This may contain: a woman is doing an exercise on the floor in front of a gym equipment rack
Gym vs Home glutes 🍑
#homework #homegymideas #homeworkoutplan #homeworkoutsforwomen #legsandglutes #legday #glutesworkoutathome #glutesexercise #homeworkoutideas
This may contain: a woman holding a medicine ball in her right hand with the words 3 kettlebell conditioning exercises you need to try
Kettlebell Conditioning
Video Credit: steph.rose.phase6 (Tiktok) Click The Pin To Learn More Routines #kettlebell #kettlebells #kettlebellworkout #kettlebellswings #kettlebelltraining #kettlebellsport #kettlebellSwing #kettlebellsnatch #kettlebellexercises #kettlebellkings #kettlebellroutine #kettlebellsquats #kettlebellclean #kettlebellkitchen #kettlebelllifting #kettlebellpress #kettlebelltips #kettlebellathlete #kettlebellfitness #kettlebellstrong #kettlebellarmy #KettleBelle #kettlebellhardstyle
This may contain: a woman in red patterned pants and white sneakers is holding a black disc while standing next to a punching bag
Fitness video for Energy & persistence conquer all things.
Energy & persistence conquer all things. 💪🏽🔥 #fyp #fypシ #fy #fypage #foryou #foryoupage #trendingvi
This may contain: a man and woman doing exercises with dumbbells in front of a gym wall
Save this kettlebell circuit🔻 These workouts focus on rotational, explosive & core strength.
Save this kettlebell circuit🔻 These workouts focus on rotational, explosive & core strength. So grab a kettlebell & get to it with a partner 💪🏻 ▫️3 rounds ▫️10 reps ▫️60 sec rest & repeat 2x credits @alexsiquig and @nicolekayfitness #abs #fit #fitness #workoutmotivation#womenfitnesschalenge#fitbeautymom2024
Strength Building Kettlebell Combo | Alternating Kettlebell Clean - Kettlebell Press
Add this strength building kettlebell combo into your next full body session! Alternating Kettlebell Clean - Kettlebell Press 👑 Thanks to @TinaLoveFitness on Instagram for sharing💪🏽 Did you know that we are offering FREE follow along kettlebell workouts? Learn more using the link!
Building Strength, Mobility, & Conditioning
All you need is one kettlebell to work multiple aspects of fitness. Grab a friend, one kettlebell, and get outside for this one. 5 rounds x 5 reps For more workouts that build strength, mobility, & conditioning from home, check out the FREE Trial of the kettlebell app! ✅ #kettlebell #workout #fitness #muscle #strength #mobility #homeworkout #gym #fit #movement
This may contain: a man sitting on top of a bench in the middle of a gym with dumbbells
The gluteal muscles and the quadriceps (thigh muscles) [📹 workout_athletics]
❌The gluteal muscles and the quadriceps (thigh muscles) are among the muscles that are important in many sports and athletic activities. The reasons why these muscles are crucial for professional athletes and the risk of injury is high in these muscles are as follows: 1. Power and performance: The gluteal muscles and quadriceps are heavily involved in strengthening and supporting movements related to jumping, leaping, accelerating, and changing direction. Professional athletes in activities such as volleyball, football, basketball, and sprinting require increased power in these muscles. Therefore, having strong and healthy muscles in these areas is crucial for better execution of movements and improved performance.