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Ferns embrace the steps
stepped path through a lush woodland garden at the home of Jim Scott, on Lake Martin, Alabama
Driveway Vignette
DROUGHT TOLERANT - Geranium maderense ( pink) Plectranthus zuluensis ( ground) & Echium webbii . All drought tolerant .
Choosing Plants for Arches and Pergolas
These hardy, heavy-wooded, vigorous, deciduous vines are invaluable for screening and for draping over verandahs and porches, with the dense foliage providing cool shade during the warmer months, then as the weather cools and the leaves fall, the winter sun is allowed to penetrate. The flowers are highly scented.
flower pot
This is a great way to use those broken clay pots, and I have a lot of those!
23 Beautiful Perennials for Shade That Are Easy to Grow
Name: Lilyturf, (Liriope) An easy-to-grow favorite shade perennial. Loved for its grassy foliage and spikes of blue or white flowers in late summer, as well as its resistance to deer and rabbits, lilyturf is practically a plant-it-and-forget garden resident. It grows best in Zones 5-10 and grows a foot tall. Test Garden Tip: Lilyturf can be a fast, almost aggressive spreader when it's happy.
Garden planting: The Shade Corner
Japanese Painted Fern "Silver Falls" - This will look great between some Hostas!
Purificadores de Água
10 Plantas que limpam o ar da casa
Flowering cactus. - This is an Echinopsis multiplex(aka oxygona) hybrid possibly one of the Paramount hybrids, produced at the now closed Paramount Cactus Nursery in Paramount, Southern California(often crossed with Lobivia and Trichocereus). They are sometimes know as easter lily cactus. They like a bit more shade, richer soil and a bit more water in spring and summer than most cactus, and can take a lot of cold in winter if they are kept very dry, like mid teens F.