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Tips for Reimagining B-to-B Events From C2 Montréal
Tips for Reimagining B-to-B Events From C2 Montréal
17 Ways C2 Montréal Got Attendees Out of Their Comfort Zones
17 Ways C2 Montréal Got Attendees Out of Their Comfort Zones | BizBash
11 Engaging Activations From the TED Conference
Ball Pit Lounge: Each year organizers create a variety of lounges where attendees can watch a simulcast of speakers. New this year was a ball pit filled with beanbag chairs and beach balls.
IMEX Partnership With C2 Shows Impact of Experiential Networking
IMEX Partnership With C2 Shows Impact of Experiential Networking A promotional photo from C2 Montreal. The organization's partnership with IMEX Group shows that experiential concepts are becoming more important to meeting planners. Sebastien Roy / C2 International Skift Take: Collaboration between IMEX Group and C2 International shows the value and power of creativity in the meetings and events space. The more lessons planners from around the world can learn from these educational sessions the
20 Conference Design Ideas From C2MTL
Massivart organized a collection of interactive art installations including a giant Lite Brite created by local design studio La...
Cinema in Greece
For one night the venue Olympia in Paris was tranformed in a giant bedroom for the needs of swedish company Ikea who presented “In bed with Ikea” and allowed some happy few to sleep there, watch a concert of Abba music […]
VidCon 2018: 26 Colorful Ways Brands Targeted Generation Z
Facebook Consumer Booth #BizBash #VidCon #BizBashLA #tradeshow #Facebook #eventprofs
Q&A: Why C2 and IMEX Are Teaming Up to Fight Conference Fatigue
C2 will be bringing its popular sky lab—where participants brainstorm business solutions while sitting in suspended chairs—to IMEX Frankfurt...
Six Steal-Worthy Ideas From the C2 Montréal Conference
C2 Montréal, an immersive three-day event that merges commerce and creativity to "challenge the future of business," is not your typical conference.
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The “Aquarium” was a glass-enclosed booth where organizers conducted live-streamed interviews with speakers and guests.
The C2 Montréal 2015 Minutes C2 Montréal Page 40
The C2 Montréal 2015 Minutes%20%20C2 Montréal