
18 Pins
DIY Betten aus Holzpaletten
It was very easy to get a free pallet off Craigslist and sanding and painting it was time consuming but went well. Where things get a little more difficult is that most queen sized beds don't easily fit the measurements of a pallet. For this reason I would rate this project as much more difficult than first anticipated. My solution was to use blocks the same height as the pallet to support the bed where the pallet didn't reach. It is working out well but was initially frustrating.
Inspiração do Dia #135 | Remobília com Patricia Melo
Na varanda, a área é pequena, mas perfeita para um espaço relaxante. As flores no jardim suspenso podem ser acompanhadas ou substituídas por vasos de temperos. ---- On the balcony, the small area could be perfect to the relaxing environment. The flowers at the hanging garden can be replaced with spices.
Casa de Firulas Visita: LEITE-COM - Blog de decoração faça você mesmo - Casa de Firulas
Casa de Firulas Visita: LEITE-COM - Blog de decoração - Casa de Firulas
Amazing Uses For Old Pallets - 24 Pics
Amazing Uses For Old Pallets - 24 Pics
cabeceira pallet copy Como decorar gastando pouco: 10 dicas pra deixar seu velho quarto novinho em folha!
25 ideias criativas para fazer sofás utilizando paletes
Reuse wooden pallets, im so in love with the top pic, maybe just without the boats
Palette turned into a sleek, simple desk - the best, the most simple and useful DIYO use of a palette I've seen on Pinterest. Very clever. Too bad, I don't need a desk..
Cajones de frutas transformados en mobiliario low cost - Paperblog
or for any room. i enjoy any idea that involves crates.
Recicla y decora con palets: 29 ideas imperdibles
Mesa de palets- must do this with my left over pallets for the conservatory!
6 Inexpensive DIY Pallet Furniture Ideas for Your Home
Diy ideas Just without the extra pallet on the sides.. IM IN LOVE!!!!