color splash

Splash of color into black & white photos. Beautiful! #color #colorsplash #b&w
102 Pins
Journey’s End
❥ڿڰۣ-- […] ●♆●❁ڿڰۣ❁ ஜℓvஜ ♡❃∘✤ ॐ♥..⭐..▾๑ ♡༺✿ ☾♡·✳︎· ❀‿ ❀♥❃.~*~. FR 29th JAN 2016!!!.~*~.❃∘❃ ✤ॐ ❦♥..⭐.♢∘❃♦♡❊** Have a Nice Day!**❊ღ ༺✿♡^^❥•*`*•❥ ♥♫ La-la-la Bonne vie ♪ ♥ ᘡlvᘡ❁ڿڰۣ❁●♆● the red.. by TricksterNabi on DeviantArt
red umbrellas
"And we can take this huge universe and put it inside a very tiny head: you fold it" - Rodolfo Llina
Symbolic Meaning of Chipmunk | Chipmunk Symbolism
#black & #white ✿ #colorsplash photography