Receitas paleo

23 Pins
1 xícara (chá) de farinha de integral 1 xícara (chá) de aveia em flocos 1 xícara (chá) de açúcar mascavo 2 colheres de sopa de mel 1 colher (chá) de fermento 1 ovo 1 colher (sopa) de manteiga
Compota de Maçã, Canela e Gengibre
COMPOTA DE MAÇÃ, CANELA E GENGIBRE ingredientes (para cerca de 6 a 8 frasquinhos com 250ml de capacidade ou menos) 2 kg de maçã reineta descascada e cortada em cubinhos de 1 cm 1,600 kg de açúcar sumo de 1 limão 2 paus de canela 1 c.sopa de canela em pó 1 c.sopa de gengibre em pó
20 Packable On-the-Go Paleo Lunches
20 packable on-the-go Paleo Lunches for work or school plus what to pack your…
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus | Inspired Dreamer
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus. And the best part? Totally paleo. I love paleo.
Healthy Ginger Snap Recipe | Food Faith Fitness
Paleo Gingersnaps - Completely butter free, gluten free and grain free, you will be amazed that these Christmas cookies taste better than Grandmas! Seriously, the best! | | #recipe
Chocolate Mug Cake
5 Ingredient Paleo Chocolate Mug Cake takes MINUTES to make!! #paleo #chocolate
Grab-n-Go Pancake Muffins: A Healthy Breakfast on the GO!
How to start a Paleo Diet? Look at this Paleo Cookbook: 350+ Paleo Recipes for Beginners and advanced cookers! Pancakes, Smoothies, Bread, Pizza, Muffins, Cookies, Meatloaf, Meatballs and much much more...
Bolachas de gengibre e canela - Made by Choices
Spinach and spring herb torta in a potato crust
3 batatas grandes (+/- 600 g) | 2 col. sopa de azeite | 350 g de espinafre (+/- 1 maço) | 2 ovos | 1 xíc. ricota | 1 1/2 xíc. de salsa, cebolinha e dill picados | 100 gr. queijo feta destroçado | raspas de 1 limão | sal
38 Paleo Diet Snack Recipes
Paleo eaters may shun grains, processed vegetable oils, and refined sugars, but that doesn’t stop them from enjoying plenty of delicious dishes #paleo #snacks
Gluten Free Waffle Recipe - Dr. Monica Bravo
This is my FAVORITE gluten free, grain free, paleo waffle recipe!