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Sweeten Your Breakfast With Dandelion Flower Syrup
Dandelion Flower Syrup – full directions on Herbal Academy blog
Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux - Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts Online
Davis and Bathsheba, Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux, after 1246, France, Arras, MS M.730 f.109v
25 pictures of mothers around the world
For Mother's Day, see how moms have cared for their children for the last 100 years.
Lira | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lira, ca. 1890 Greece Wood, tortoiseshell, ivory; The lira is a descendant of the rebec, a bowed folk and minstrel instrument of the late Middle Ages. The ancient type survives in Greece and other countries of the southern Balkans, but rarely as elaborately decorated as this one. Shown here without a bow, this lira has a reconstructed bridge.
Lyres from The Royal Tombs of Ur
The Royal lyre: Several lyres were found in the Royal Tombs of Ur, along with the bodies of the women who played them. Woolley reports that one woman lay with her arm draped across her lyre, with the bones of her hand where the strings had been, as if playing it.
Adam and Eve
Pope Leo X's coat of arms, and others, beneath a terracotta representation of Adam and Eve, 1515, from the workshop of Giovanni della Robbia. (Walters Museum)
Handle in the shape of the sea god Triton Greek made in Macedonia or Illyria 100-50 BCE Silver and gold
Handle in the shape of the sea god Triton Greek made in Macedonia or Illyria 100-50 BCE Silver and gold
Unknown | [The Calf-Bearer and the Kritios Boy Shortly After Exhumation on the Acropolis]; Danseuse du Temple de Bacchus | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - [The Calf-Bearer and the Kritios Boy Shortly After Exhumation on the Acropolis]
(via Sculptures / Marble fountain attributed to... - Portraits by NC
(via Sculptures / Marble fountain attributed to Rudolf Weyr (1847-1914))