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8M views · 74K reactions | Técnica para coser esquinas perfectas ✅️ 🔥 😍 #tipsdecostura #costuracreativa #compartir | 𝙏𝙄𝙋𝙎 𝙔 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙎𝙀𝙅𝙊𝙎 𝘿𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙎𝙏𝙐𝙍𝘼 𝙔 𝙋𝘼𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝘼𝙅𝙀
5.1M views · 74K reactions | Dicas de inspiração! Você acaba de descobrir como resolve um problema de Blusa larga na gola. Aproveite bastante. #costurafacil #ProblemaResolvido #tutorial #dicaboa #passoapasso | Cassimiro calçados
3.3M views · 35K reactions | Little sewing hacks that can save your day | Little sewing hacks that can save your day | By ‎مركز السهم للأجهزة النقالة‎ | Facebook
Com uma calça jeans apertada, criei algo incrível - ninguém acreditou no que fiz! | Com uma calça jeans apertada, criei algo incrível - ninguém acreditou no que fiz! | By Ider Alves DIY | Facebook
2.7M views · 51K reactions | 🪡3 SUPER DICAS DE PONTOS PARA FAZER! Suas roupas vão ficar outras depois dessas dicas maravilhosas e fáceis de fazer! ♥Acompanha aqui, vem!👗 Tem... | By Tecido Express | The pant bar diagonal and now you're gonna grab a coin and make those round markings. Cut right off the markings you made. Now you're going to make several spikes in this rounded little part and you're going for a scrub. That's one way to break the bar. Next idea. Do you have one of those trousers with those rips, but don't you like the effect? Put a pair of jeans in the gap and sew it around with this stitch. It's important that you sew exactly with that point where you spin the needle with the line and you'll do it all over that part. At this point, he becomes invisible. So after you finish tightening your jeans underneath you are going to do this process here. And now just pull the line that will make the point invisible. This way you have pants that won't fit on the leg or knee anymore. Next idea. This is also one way to do a shredded bar, but it's different than the other one. Here you go cut a triangle So you mark like this here and now you cut in that triangle you marked. Then you will also make the picks and you will rub it to be torn look at the effect that was cool let's go to the next idea this is also a way to make the bar of jeans you will fold the fabric like this and you will make this point here you go there with a needle turns here in the front turns there back and comes forward and you will make this point in every circumstance around the side that point it becomes simply wonderful.