Amharic word

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የበደሉንን በደላችንንም [y'bude'lunin bude'lachininem Amharic] betten bettlen Bitte! #YearofMercy ይቀደስ is as *yegedes* does: as stone-mason King Gebre Mesqel's work of mercy demonstrates humility as inverse of the pride of Tower of Babel: not 'building; but rock-cutting a church dedicated to St George in Lalibela, Ethiopia ➌➊⚆ of ➌➏➏⚇
Amharic alphabet, pronunciation and language
Other Amharic syllables
Amharic alphabet, pronunciation and language
The Ge'ez (Ethiopic) script for Amharic
Amharic alphabet, pronunciation and language
Site about foreign languages. This page is on Amharic. I need to remember to come back to this when I start trying to learn a bit before we travel to Ethiopia!
Official Disney Baby Store | Disney Store
12 Amharic Words and Phrases to use daily. || beautiful, shared by a wonderful friend & mother; key words from Ethiopian culture in their official language