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Quiet Book Patterns & Ideas
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.Nelson Mandela
Smiles, Giggles, Kids Stuff, Hacks, Dollar Tree Hacks, Repurposing, Recipes, Spray Painted Items And More :)
©º°¨¨°º©©º°¨¨°º©©º°¨¨°º©©º°¨¨°º©©º°¨¨°º© Beautifully Designed By Unknown ~ If anyone knows the original link for this idea please post it...
Brincadeira sensorial: fazendo um livro de pano para seu bebê
Inspiração para livro de pano
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Giraffe Bow-tie felt quiet book page by MjsFeltCreations on Etsy
I would divide the CD into sections and would write the colour names in French (written out with words). Put in a ziplock baggie. This could be an activity to do at a centre, or a "J'ai fini" activity to keep on the cart, or a partner activity when first learning the colours.
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CUSTOMIZED Felt Quiet Activity Book for by SweetJuicyApril on Etsy
El pavelló d´Infantil
Juego de Memory con tapones de botella- Fun and a good recycling activity (and bottle caps will probably be easy to come by!) The blog this links to is cute, but in Catalan
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BEAKY BIRD Handmade Embellishments, Paper Birds for Junk Journals, Smash Books, Scrapbook Birds - Set of 5
FREE Telling Time Puzzles
Give kids the practice they need telling time with these fun, FREE printable telling time puzzles for kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd
15 helt onödiga gör-det-själv-prylar till hemmet
upcycle magazine pages into globe shade....15 helt onödiga gör-det-själv-prylar till hemmet - Sköna hem