
39 Pins
This may contain: some food is sitting on a white plate with berries and yogurt in it
Ingredients -1 banana bine coapta -80g oatmeal -Scent of vanilla -Yogurt -Fruits -Miere 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and brush the brioche tray with a little oil. You can also use silicone shapes. 2. In a bowl, crush the banana with a fork, on which we add cereal and vanilla essence. We mix it well 3. We fill 5-6 shapes and use a spoon to form the depth. Put the tray in the oven for 10 minutes until it browns a little. 4. When the baskets are cooled, we fill them with yogurt, fresh fruit and honey.
This may contain: a banana and raspberries in a bowl with the word banana on it's side
This may contain: rice cake truffles being made in a food processor
Rice Cake Truffles
200+ Healthy Meal Recipes & High Protein Breakfast Recipes, Salad Recipes and many more food preparation book step by step is in my profile #HomeWorkout #FitnessAtHome #StayActive #NoGymNoProblem #HomeGym #WorkoutMotivation #SweatAtHome #BodyweightWorkout #HomeFitness #GetFitAtHome #HealthyLifestyle #FitLife #HomeExercise #WorkoutFromHome #HomeSweatSession #StayHealthy #HomeWorkoutChallenge #FitnessJourney #HomeFit #FitnessGoals #WorkoutInspiration #AtHomeWorkout #HomeTraining
This may contain: a bowl filled with pink hearts sitting on top of a wooden table next to a woman's hand
Fit: Balinha de Gelatinha Maromba!
Gelatina + Whey
Créditos: Instagram/@rayannerochac  ✍️ Ingredientes:  • 1 caixinha de gelatina diet sabor da sua preferência  • 1 envelope de gelatina sem sabor  • 100ml de água em temperatura ambiente
Sobremesa fácil, fit e com apenas 3 ingredientes
Créditos: Instagram/@rayannerochac ✍️ Ingredientes: • 1 caixinha de gelatina diet sabor da sua preferência • 1 envelope de gelatina sem sabor • 100ml de água em temperatura ambiente
This may contain: two pieces of cake on a plate with the words bolo prestigio sandavel
Bolo de Prestigio
Que bolo bomm juroo, a massa fica muito fofinha e levinha!! Recomendo! #fittok #receitassaudaveis #dieta #boloprestigiofit #prestigiosaudavel #bolofit #docefit
This may contain: a piece of chocolate cake sitting on top of a white plate
⚡️ 142 kcal | 9g Prot | 8,5g Carbo | 8g Gord
📌 Rende 2 fatias 📌 Calorias referente a 1 fatia 1 ovo 40g cacau (sempre uso o alcalino) 170g iogurte 10g adoçante pra forno e fogão — misture tudo e leve ao forno pré aquecido a 200ºC por 20 min . . . . . . . . #receitasfit #emagrecimento #emagrecer #receitas #lowcarb #healthyfood #semgluten #glutenfree #zeroaçúcar #semacucar #semlactose #comersaudavel #planejamento #rotina #rotinaalimentar #receitasfit #emagrecimento #emagrecer #receitas #lowcarb #healthyfood #semgluten #glutenfree #zeroaçúcar #semacucar #semlactose #comersaudavel
This may contain: a person is holding a spoon in a glass cup with cappuccino latte
This may contain: a person is holding a chocolate dessert on a white plate
Receita de Biscoito Fit 😋
This may contain: someone is dipping something into a bowl with limes on the table next to it
Receita mousse de limão light
🎥 @jessicanandinutri ⬇️ Leia a receita completa
This may contain: a person is picking up some pancakes on a plate
Deixe um SIM para receber mais receitas ❤️
Mini panquecas 🥞 recheadas com morango 🍓 e chocolate 🍫 TÃO MARAVILHOSAS que vocês não vão querer comer outra coisa! Anota aí: - morangos lavados e cortados em rodelas 🍓 - 1 ovo 🥚 - 1 colher de sopa de iogurte natural desnatado ou leite 🥛 - 2 colheres de sopa de farinha de aveia 🌾 - Adoçante a gosto 🥄 - 1 colher de chá de fermento em pó 🥄 - pasta de amendoim sabor bomb crocante DELICIOSA por sinal! Podem fazer que é SUCESSO! Derrete na boca! Combinação perfeita 🥰 /alimentaçaosaudavel
This may contain: a pink bowl filled with strawberries on top of a wooden table
Bolo ninho com Morango