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Mesmerizing Layered Landscapes Reflect on Time and Space
Mesmerizing Layered Landscapes Reflect on Time and Space
Installation Tube par Zilvinas Kempinas - Journal du Design
Un tunnel de bobines de cassettes VHS Zilvinas Kempinas est un artiste lithuanien qui vit et travaille à New York et qui s’intéresse à l’art cinétique, expérimentant les possibilités de mouvements dans l’oeuvre d’art. Dans son installation Tube, il utilise des bandes magnétiques qu’il tend à chaque extrémité des deux murs qui ont été préalablement percés de manière circulaire.
Απίθανοι τρισδιάστατοι πίνακες από τον David Spriggs.
David Spriggs is an English artist based in Montreal who paints on multiple panels of glass to create amazing 3D works of art. The ethereal images appear to be floating behind the outer panels of glass. The technique he uses is called stratachrome, defined as any image or object developed or executed in multiple planes or layers of color.
New York – Teresita Fernández: “Night Writing” at Lehmann Maupin Chrystie Street Through October 20th, 2012
Night Writing by Teresita Fernández (enormous hanging sculpture, crafted from layers of translucent dyed polycarbonate)
water fall -- -- SHIOYASU Tomoko expresses the enormous energy of nature in sprawling and precise handwork by way of cutting paper with a knife, melting layered synthetic paper with soldering iron and drawing on a synthetic paper which repels water
Galera do Face
Heaven and Earth - Bill Viola I saw this at the High Museum 1996 Rings Exhibit and it touched me so that I have thought about it for years.
Déjà Vu IV, 2011
Pia Männikkö, Déjà Vu, 2011, Naantali Taidehuone gallery / Tulle fabric and ink #3